



What is the English name of Noxus's Hand?


The English name of Noxus's Hand is "The Hand of Noxus".

What does the English name "The Hand of Noxus" mean?

The English name "The Hand of Noxus" refers to a title given to the most powerful and influential military commander in the Noxian empire. It symbolizes strength, authority, and control within the ruthless and aggressive Noxian society.

How did "The Hand of Noxus" gain its reputation?

"The Hand of Noxus" gained its reputation through a combination of strategic military victories, ruthless tactics, and the ability to maintain order and control within the Noxian military hierarchy. It is a title that is earned through strength, cunning, and unwavering loyalty to the Noxian empire.

Is "The Hand of Noxus" a position of great power within the Noxian empire?

Yes, "The Hand of Noxus" holds a position of immense power and influence within the Noxian empire. They are second only to the ruler of Noxus, and are responsible for commanding the most elite and fearsome forces of the Noxian military.

What are the characteristics of "The Hand of Noxus"?

"The Hand of Noxus" is known for their ruthless and uncompromising nature, their strategic brilliance on the battlefield, and their ability to instill fear and obedience in those under their command. They are also expected to embody the ideals of strength, discipline, and unwavering loyalty to the Noxian empire.